Our Ruzawi Committment

“ To provide an education which nurtures the spiritual, emotional, social and physical development of each individual, recognizing and enhancing each child’s uniqueness, their sense of self-worth and self-confidence, equipping them for life beyond Ruzawi.”

Communicate  Collaborate  Organise  Engage

Recalibrating to offer the Ruzawi Family a holistic experience through online learning:

  • Maintaining the teacher/pupil relationship at the forefront of each interaction
  • Providing child-oriented lessons
  • Offering an online experience that is flexible, supportive, engaging and practical
  • Emphasis on quality instead of quantity
  • Focus on the wellbeing of each family

We remain dedicated to adapting and embracing online technology in these unprecedented times.

The Google Platform offers a diverse range of apps and functions to deliver quality education.

Google Classroom offers a virtual forum to access a user-friendly range of lessons and activities. Google Meet ensures that we stay connected


  • Teaching the Cambridge Curriculum which promotes creative & critical thinking, reasoning and problem solving. 
  • Adapting the timetable to suit family circumstances.
  • Nurturing the children’s love of learning.
  • Providing work that is differentiated and engaging to create a hunger for learning.
  • Illustrating how information is readily accessible in this digital age. 

Continuing to value the process of learning and the skills required to learn.


Supporting children and parents through Google Meet sessions and audio interaction in Google Slides.

Creating a flexible relationship between stakeholders to mitigate stress levels. 

Updates from the School Counsellor (storytime & videos) 


Daily Chapel services will offer the familiarity of a daily routine and bind our Ruzawi Family through the comfort of our Christian ethos.


Motivation from our Sports Department will affirm the importance of fitness, commitment, resilience, and good sportsmanship.


  • Engagement with Ruzawi classmates through Google Meet, videos and messages. 
  • Communicating with parents to ensure that the online learning experience remains relevant and positive.